Women boleros found In Konya houses

dc.contributor.authorAbanoz, Gülden
dc.contributor.authorDursun, Filiz
dc.contributor.authorÇalışan, Çiğdem Dursun
dc.departmentDÜ, Düzce Meslek Yüksekokuluen_US
dc.descriptionWorld Conference on Design, Arts and Education (DAE) -- MAY 01-04, 2012 -- Antalya, TURKEYen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000316256000138en_US
dc.description.abstractToday people have different needs and different expectations because of the technological developments. These differences have also affected their understanding of clothing and their taste of ornamentation. Dressing, handicrafts and ornamental works, which existed since the beginning of the history of humanity, continue to exist as the most significant and the most vivid proofs of the countries which have changed much throughout the history and of their changing national identities. One of the most important cultural properties which develop according to the economical conditions of the nations and take form according to their emotions is ornamental works. Anatolia, which has witnessed many nations throughout the history, has also witnessed the most beautiful examples of the art. With the effects of the various nations, a rich and colorful mosaic appeared in Anatolia. Without a doubt, a part of this colorful structure is traditional clothes and traditional ornamental works that are used during their ornamentation process. Designed clothes and ornamentations, by uniting the art of the era with the materials, also reflect the living conditions, the emotions and the ideas, the customs and the traditions of the period. The traditional clothes and ornamentations, which differ from one region to another, are the art works that show the delicacy, the purity and the artistic creation of the Anatolian people. The traditional clothes and the ornamental works, which were known as an irreplaceable part of Turkish clothing history and rank among our historical documents, are important data sources enlightening us about our ancestors'clothing, their ornamentation and also their customs and traditions. Besides, the reflection of the cultural features of the traditional clothes and the ornamental works that are used in their ornamentation to the the art of dressing and ornamentation, keeping cultural values alive and the emergence of the original designs are very important in terms of keeping the history alive and protecting its features. The creative features of women handicratfs, with their union with the nature, form a very rich repertoire of subjects. In the course of this research; "Women Boleros Found in Konya Houses" was selected as the subject and the features of the fabrics, colours, patterns, models and forms have been studied. These clothes have been documentated by researching via scientific techniques and their cultural features have been tried to put forward. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Ayse Cakir Ilhan.en_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.publisherElsevier Science Bven_US
dc.relation.ispartofWorld Conference On Design, Arts And Education (Dae-2012)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProcedia Social and Behavioral Sciences
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectTraditional Clothingen_US
dc.titleWomen boleros found In Konya housesen_US
dc.typeConference Objecten_US


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