Bazı ahşap esaslı levhaların oda ve gaz analiz metoduna göre formaldehit emisyonlarının belirlenmesi
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Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye' de üretilen bazı levhaların formaldehit emisyonlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada ham, melamin kaplanmış, PVC kaplanmış ve boyalı (beyaz poliüretan lake) 18 mm yonga levha, lif levha ve kontrplak levhalar kullanılarak oda metoduna (TS EN 717-1) ve gaz analiz metoduna ( TS EN 717-2) göre formaldehit emisyonları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca melamin kaplı lif ve yonga levhaların da ve gaz analiz metodlarına göre zaman içinde formaldehit emisyonlarındaki değişimler tespit edilmiş ve formaldehit salınımının insan sağlığına olan etkileri vurgulanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda; oda metoduna göre en düşük formaldehit emisyonu sıra ile boyanmış kontrplak, yonga levha ve lif levhada tespit edilmiştir. Gaz analiz metoduna göre ise formaldehit emisyonu boyanmış yonga levha, kontrplak ve lif levhada tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca melamin kaplı yonga ve lif levhaların formaldehit emisyonlarının oda metodunda deneye başlandığından itibaren 16. günde içerisinde denge durumuna geldiği tespit edilmiştir. Gaz analiz metoduna göre de 3. aydan itibaren emisyonun azaldığı 7. ayda en düşük seviyelere geldiği tespit edilmiştir. Buna göre boyanmış yonga levha ve kontrplak düşük formaldehit emisyonundan dolayı, iç mekânda kullanılacak mobilyaların yapımında tercih edilmesi sağlık açısından önemlidir. Anahtar sözcükler: Ahşap esaslı levhalar, formaldehit emisyonu, oda metodu, gaz analiz metodu.
The purpose of this study is to determine the formaldehyde emissions of a number of wood based boards that are being produced in Turkey. The emission values for 18 mm thick particleboards, fiberboards and plyboards in raw, melamine faced, PVC faced and painted (white polyurethana lacquer) were analysed with both the chamber method (TS EN 717-1) and the gas analysis method (TS EN 717-2). In addition, the time dependent differentiation in formaldehyde emission values were investigated and the negative effects of formaldehyde emission to human health was emphasized. As a result of the study, lowest formaldehyde emissions are detected from painted plywood, particle board and fibreboard in respective order by using the chamber method. According to the gas analysis method, lowest formaldehyde emissions ar obtained from painted plywood, particle board and fibreboard repectively. In addition, Formaldehyde emissona from melamine faced particle boards and fibreboards are determined to have become constant in 16 days after tests in accordance wtih the chamber method started whereas emissions start decrease after third month and reach to lowest levels at the seventh month accordin to the gas analysis method. So, because of their low formaldehyde emissions, use of painted particle board and plywood for manufacturing furniture for internal use is important for health.
The purpose of this study is to determine the formaldehyde emissions of a number of wood based boards that are being produced in Turkey. The emission values for 18 mm thick particleboards, fiberboards and plyboards in raw, melamine faced, PVC faced and painted (white polyurethana lacquer) were analysed with both the chamber method (TS EN 717-1) and the gas analysis method (TS EN 717-2). In addition, the time dependent differentiation in formaldehyde emission values were investigated and the negative effects of formaldehyde emission to human health was emphasized. As a result of the study, lowest formaldehyde emissions are detected from painted plywood, particle board and fibreboard in respective order by using the chamber method. According to the gas analysis method, lowest formaldehyde emissions ar obtained from painted plywood, particle board and fibreboard repectively. In addition, Formaldehyde emissona from melamine faced particle boards and fibreboards are determined to have become constant in 16 days after tests in accordance wtih the chamber method started whereas emissions start decrease after third month and reach to lowest levels at the seventh month accordin to the gas analysis method. So, because of their low formaldehyde emissions, use of painted particle board and plywood for manufacturing furniture for internal use is important for health.
YÖK Tez No: 394485
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ağaç İşleri, Wood Products, Chamber method, formaldehyde emission, gas analysis method, wood-based boards