Hicâbî ve Pend-i Sa‘îd’i
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Bir nazım türü olarak nasihatnâmeler, genel ahlâkî değerleri bireyden başlayaraktoplumun her kesimine öğretme amacı güden eserlerdir. Her edebiyatta şekil farklılıklarıbir yana bırakıldığında örneklerine rastlanan eserlerden olan nasihatnâmeler, Türkedebiyatında da erken dönemlerden itibaren izlenebilmektedir. Klasik dönemde özellikleFarsça ile olan münasebetler, nasihatnâme türünde de önemli etkileşimlerin olmasınazemin hazırlamıştır. Feridüddin Attar’ın (öl. 1221) Pendnâmesi’nin pek çok tercümesininyapılmış olması ve bu eserlerin çoğaltılması bu durumu gösteren örneklerdendir.Başlangıçta şekil ve içerik olarak devam eden bu etkileşimler, zaman içinde Türkedebiyatının kendi dönem ve ihtiyaçlarına paralel bir şekilde başarılı ve orjinal örneklervermeye başlamıştır.Oğlu Ebu’l-hayr Mehmed Çelebi için yazdığı Hayriyye/Hayrî-nâme adlı eseri iletürün en önemli örneklerinden birini veren Nâbî’nin (öl. 1712) bu eserinin bir nüshasıdevamına Pend-i Sa‘îd adlı bir başka nasihatnâme yazılmıştır. İncelemeler neticesinde bunasihatnâmenin Hicâbî mahlasını kullanan bir şair tarafından yazılmış olabileceğine ilişkindeğerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Eserin tespit edilen nüshalarından hareketle nasihatnâmeninmetni oluşturulmuş ve oluşturulan bu metin üzerinden eserin şekil ve muhtevaözelliklerine ilişkin bilgiler sunulmuştur.
As a genre of verse, nasihatnames are works that aim to teach general moral values to all segments of the society, starting with the individual. Apart from the differences in form, nasihatnames, which are one of the works that are found in every literature, can be followed from the early periods in Turkish literature. Relations with Persian, especially in the classical period, paved the way for important interactions in the genre of nasihatname. The many translations of Feridüddin Attar’s (d. 1221) Pendname and translation of these works are examples of this situation. These interactions, which initially continued in form and content, started to give successful and original examples in time in parallel with the Turkish literature’s own period and needs. A copy of this work of Nâbî (d. 1712), who gave one of the most important examples of the genre with his work titled Hayriyye / Hayrî-nama, written for his son Ebu’l-hayr Mehmed Çelebi, was written in the continuation of another nasihatname named Pend-i Sa‘îd. As a result of the investigations, it was thought that this nasihatname could have been written by a poet who used the pseudonym Hicabi. Based on the copies of the work, the text of the nasihatname created and information on the form and content features of the work was presented through this text.
As a genre of verse, nasihatnames are works that aim to teach general moral values to all segments of the society, starting with the individual. Apart from the differences in form, nasihatnames, which are one of the works that are found in every literature, can be followed from the early periods in Turkish literature. Relations with Persian, especially in the classical period, paved the way for important interactions in the genre of nasihatname. The many translations of Feridüddin Attar’s (d. 1221) Pendname and translation of these works are examples of this situation. These interactions, which initially continued in form and content, started to give successful and original examples in time in parallel with the Turkish literature’s own period and needs. A copy of this work of Nâbî (d. 1712), who gave one of the most important examples of the genre with his work titled Hayriyye / Hayrî-nama, written for his son Ebu’l-hayr Mehmed Çelebi, was written in the continuation of another nasihatname named Pend-i Sa‘îd. As a result of the investigations, it was thought that this nasihatname could have been written by a poet who used the pseudonym Hicabi. Based on the copies of the work, the text of the nasihatname created and information on the form and content features of the work was presented through this text.
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