Sad Kelime Geleneği Ve Sefîne-İ Tebriz İsimli Mecmuada Yer Alan Sad Kelime Örneği
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Bu makalede, içinde 209 kadar risaleyi barındıran ve henüz bunla- rın önemli bir kısmı tashihli-tahkikli olarak neşredilmemiş olan Sefîne-i Tebriz isimli mecmuadaki Hz. Aliye nispet edilen Sad Ke- lime metni ele alınacaktır. Bu metin diğer Sad Kelimelerle karşılaş- tırılacak ve böylece metinler arasındaki farklılıklar tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Bu bağlamda Sad Kelime literatürünün gelişmesi ve Hz. Aliye nispet edilen özlü sözlerin kaynakları üzerinde de duru- lacaktır. Son olarak tashih-tahkik ettiğimiz Sad Kelime metninin Türkçe tercümesi verilecektir.
In this article, it will be discussed the text of Sad Kalimah which has been connected with Hz. Ali in the collection of named Safinah-e Tabriz including treaties up to 209 and yet having been unpublished an important part of them as edition-critical. This text shall be compared with the texts of other Sad Kalimah, and thus it shall be determined the differences between the texts. In this context, it will also be focused on the development of the litera- ture of Sad Kalimah and the resources of words attributed to Hz. Ali. Finally, the text of Sad Kalimah, which has been translated by us, shall be presented.
In this article, it will be discussed the text of Sad Kalimah which has been connected with Hz. Ali in the collection of named Safinah-e Tabriz including treaties up to 209 and yet having been unpublished an important part of them as edition-critical. This text shall be compared with the texts of other Sad Kalimah, and thus it shall be determined the differences between the texts. In this context, it will also be focused on the development of the litera- ture of Sad Kalimah and the resources of words attributed to Hz. Ali. Finally, the text of Sad Kalimah, which has been translated by us, shall be presented.
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Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
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