Toplu konut idaresi başkanlığı (TOKİ) peyzaj çalışmalarına ilişkin süreç değerlendirmesi
Küçük Resim Yok
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Cilt Başlığı
Düzce Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Toplu Konut İdaresi Başkanlığı (TOKİ), Türkiye'deki günümüz mekânlarını üreten en önemli kurumlardan biridir. TOKİ, insanın barınma ihtiyacı temelinde, diğer biyolojik ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak, doğal ve kültürel yapıyı etkileyen ve etkilenen mekânlar tasarlamakta, uygulamakta ve kimi zaman bakım onarımını yapmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı TOKİ' nin ürettiği mekânlardan olan konut yakın çevresi ve rekreasyon alanları peyzajlarına ilişkin tasarım, uygulama ve bakım iş süreçlerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışma, TOKİ'nin 11. Paket işleri adı altında yer alan 3 farklı proje alanında yürütülmüştür. Çalışma alanı iki farklı değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. İlk değerlendirmede, alanın mevcut durumu; ilgili standartlar, estetik, fonksiyonel ve ekonomik değerler açısından öznel gözlemlerle değerlendirilmiştir. İkinci değerlendirmede, alanın mevcut durumu, alana ilişkin peyzaj çalışmaları sürecinde görev alan teknik personel görüşleri temelinde değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma bulguları, TOKİ tarafından yürütülen sörvey, tasarım, uygulama projelerinin ve bakım çalışmalarının yetersiz olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca peyzaj projelerinin, alana ait diğer projelerle uyumsuz olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, TOKİ'nin peyzaj işlerine ilişkin projelendirme ve uygulama süreçlerini revize etmeli, teknik standartların gözetildiği prosedürlere sahip olmalı, işin ehli teknik ekiple tasarım, uygulama ve bakım-onarım işlerini yürütmelidir.
Mass Housing Administration (TOKI) is one of the most important institutions of Turkey which plans and builds mass housing projects for public use . TOKI designs places which are affected by cultural structures but also affects the city and the culture, also if there is a necessity, maintains residential areas. . The main purpose of this study is to evaluate design, practice and maintenance processes related to the residential landscape designs and recreation areas which are designed and built by TOKI. This research is based on the construction of 3 different projects which are about 11th package works of TOKI. The study area was subjected to two different evaluations. In the first assessment, the current status of the site were evaluated by relevant standards ,subjective observations in terms of aesthetic, functional and economic values. In the second assessment, the current situation of the site was evaluated on the basis of the opinions of the technical personel who are involved in the landscape studies. Indications shows us that survey, design, implementation projects and maintenance works carried out by TOKI were insufficient. In addition, it has been found that landscape projects are incompatible with other projects in the area. As a consclusion, TOKI should revise project design and implementation processes about landscaping, have procedures which technical standards are observed and proceed design, implementation and maintenance processes with a proffessional technical team.
Mass Housing Administration (TOKI) is one of the most important institutions of Turkey which plans and builds mass housing projects for public use . TOKI designs places which are affected by cultural structures but also affects the city and the culture, also if there is a necessity, maintains residential areas. . The main purpose of this study is to evaluate design, practice and maintenance processes related to the residential landscape designs and recreation areas which are designed and built by TOKI. This research is based on the construction of 3 different projects which are about 11th package works of TOKI. The study area was subjected to two different evaluations. In the first assessment, the current status of the site were evaluated by relevant standards ,subjective observations in terms of aesthetic, functional and economic values. In the second assessment, the current situation of the site was evaluated on the basis of the opinions of the technical personel who are involved in the landscape studies. Indications shows us that survey, design, implementation projects and maintenance works carried out by TOKI were insufficient. In addition, it has been found that landscape projects are incompatible with other projects in the area. As a consclusion, TOKI should revise project design and implementation processes about landscaping, have procedures which technical standards are observed and proceed design, implementation and maintenance processes with a proffessional technical team.
YÖK Tez No: 579227
Anahtar Kelimeler
Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Landscape Architecture, Toplu konut projeleri, Mass housing projects