Cem Akaş'ın romanları üzerine bir inceleme
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Düzce Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada çağdaş Türk yazarlarından biri olan Cem Akaş'ın romanları incelenmiştir. 1987 yılından günümüze kadar aktif bir şekilde edebiyat dünyasında yer tutan Akaş, birçok farklı türde eser üretmiştir. Bu eserleri arasında, çalışmada esas tutulan onun romancılığı ve romanlarıdır. Yazarın sekiz tane romanı seçilmiş, bunlar; Şerif Aktaş, Nurullah Çetin, E.M Forster, Ramazan Sağlık, Mehmet Tekin, Philip Stevick gibi isimlerin yazmış oldukları kaynak kitaplardan yararlanılarak incelenmiştir. İncelemede, Cem Akaş'ın sekiz romanı yayımlanma yılına göre "Zihniyet, Yapı, Olay Örgüsü, Şahıs Kadrosu, Zaman, Mekân, Tema, Bakış Açısı ve Anlatıcı, Dil ve Anlatım" alt başlıkları çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Zaman kavramı incelenirken, Seçil Dumantepe esas kaynak alınmıştır. Romanlarında özellikle dil ile yaptığı oyunlar "Dil ve Anlatım" başlığı altında detaylı bir şekilde değerlendirilmiştir.
In this study, the novels of Cem Akaş, who is one of the contemporary Turkish writers, have been analyzed. Akaş, who has been actively taking place in the world of literature since 1987, has produced many different types of works. Among these works, what is essential in our study is the novelism and novels of his. Eight of twelve of his novels that suitable for our research have been chosen. These studies have been studied by taking advantage of sources such as Nurullah Çetin, E.M Forster, Ramazan Sağlık, Mehmet Tekin, Philip Stevick, based on the nomenclature of Şerif Aktaş. In the study, selected novels of Cem Akaş chronologically have been evaluated within the framework of sub-headings: "Mentality, Structure, Storyline, Personal Staff, Time, Space, Theme, Perspective, Language and Expression" While examining the concept of time, Seçil Dumantepe was used as the main source. Especially games with language, which Akaş, has been thoroughly evaluated in the sub-heading of Language and Expression by taking advantage of the sources.
In this study, the novels of Cem Akaş, who is one of the contemporary Turkish writers, have been analyzed. Akaş, who has been actively taking place in the world of literature since 1987, has produced many different types of works. Among these works, what is essential in our study is the novelism and novels of his. Eight of twelve of his novels that suitable for our research have been chosen. These studies have been studied by taking advantage of sources such as Nurullah Çetin, E.M Forster, Ramazan Sağlık, Mehmet Tekin, Philip Stevick, based on the nomenclature of Şerif Aktaş. In the study, selected novels of Cem Akaş chronologically have been evaluated within the framework of sub-headings: "Mentality, Structure, Storyline, Personal Staff, Time, Space, Theme, Perspective, Language and Expression" While examining the concept of time, Seçil Dumantepe was used as the main source. Especially games with language, which Akaş, has been thoroughly evaluated in the sub-heading of Language and Expression by taking advantage of the sources.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Postmodernizm, Postmodernism, Roman, Novel, Türk romanı, Turkish novel