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  • Öğe
    (Asean Federation Psychiatry & Mental Health, 2017) Yiğiter, Korkmaz; Hardee, James T.
    Objectives: In general, sports activities can improve the psychological, physical and cognitive conditions of people. Therefore, the aim of this study is to decrease depression by improving the level of self-esteem of female university students in a regular tennis training program. Methods: A total of 60 students participated in the study and were randomly assigned to an experimental and control group. Beck Depression Inventory and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale were used to determine the participants' scores of depression and self-esteem respectively. A two-way repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the two groups. Results: Participants in the intervention group took part in the tennis training program improved in self-esteem and reported significantly less depression compared with the control group. Post-test results confirmed the effectiveness of a tennis training program in decreasing depression and improving self-esteem levels of the university students. Conclusions: This study highlights the effectiveness of a relatively safe and inexpensive tennis program to improve mental health.
  • Öğe
    (Soc Personality Res Inc, 2014) Yiğiter, Korkmaz
    I investigated the effects of participation in regular exercise for 12 weeks on self-esteem and hopelessness of female students at a Turkish university. Participants were 80 women who were randomly assigned to experiment and control groups. Rosenberg Self-Esteem and Beck Hopelessness Scales were completed and participants in the experiment group improved in level of self-esteem whereas there was no significant change in the level of self-esteem of the control group. Moreover, results showed a significant reduction in the hopelessness level of the participants in the experiment group but there was no significant change in level of hopelessness with the control group. A regular exercise program was found to be an impacting variable in improving self-esteem and decreasing hopelessness level of female university students in Turkey.
  • Öğe
    The Effects of a Summer Camp on Social Anthropological Improvement Of the Kids in Turkey
    (Kamla-Raj Enterprises, 2015) Yiğiter, Korkmaz
    The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of a summer camp of the university on social anthropological skills improvement of kids in Turkey. 25 volunteer kids (Mage=7.64+/-.48) participated in. tennis and swimming training programs along with some other courses such as English training, drama, experimental chemistry, drawing, and art, and music. In this summer camp designed by the experts; sport training was conducted in four sessions, each lasted one hour a week: As data collection tool, a survey including 12 items was completed before and after summer camp period. In conclusion, there was a statistically significant difference between study group's (X) over bar social anthropological skills pre-test score 34.40 +/- 8.69 and X social anthropological skills post-test score 41.80 +/- 5.75 (p<0.05). It was determined that the kids in the present study showed social anthropological improvement at the end of the summer camp.
  • Öğe
    Statistical errors in articles published in radiology journals
    (Aves, 2019) Karadeniz, Pınar Günel; Uzabacı, Ender; Kuyuk, Sema; Kesin, Fisun Kaşkir; Can, Fatma Ezgi; Seçil, Mustafa; Ercan, İlker
    PURPOSE We aimed to evaluate articles in radiology journals indexed in the Science Citation Index or Science Citation Index Expanded in terms of statistical errors. By this means, we aim to contribute to the production of high quality scientific publications. METHODS In this study, a total of 157 articles published in 2016-2017 in 20 radiology journals were reviewed randomly. Selected articles were evaluated for statistical errors regarding P values and statistical tests, and for errors in terminology and other errors related to interpretation. In addition, in order to examine whether the error rates of the articles published in the radiology journals differed according to the impact factor, the statistical errors were compared according to the impact factors of the journals. RESULTS Of the 157 articles published in radiology journals, 10 had no statistical errors, while 147 had at least one statistical error. The most frequently encountered error was "errors in summarizing data" with a rate of 66%. This was followed by "incorrect representation of P values" with a rate of 42%. The least frequently encountered error was "statistical symbol errors" with a rate of 3%. There was no statistically significant difference according to impact factors. CONCLUSION In conclusion, radiology journals, as do journals in different fields, include articles containing statistical errors. Even when the quality of the journal increases, there is no difference in these statistical error rates. In order to prevent statistical errors in manuscripts, there are responsibilities for both the researchers who conduct scientific studies and the editors who publish these studies in their journals. Researchers should have a basic statistical knowledge, and the editor must submit all manuscripts for a statistical review.
  • Öğe
    Logaritmik Doğrusal Modeller ve Uyum Analizinin Birlikte Kullanımı: Lise Öğrencilerinin Sigara İçme Alışkanlıklarını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi
    (2018) Yılmaz, Veysel; Kesin, Fisun Kaşkır
    Amaç: Logaritmik doğrusal modeller (LDM) ve uyum analizi (UA), kategorik değişkenler arasındakiilişkilerin yorumunu kolaylaştıran istatistiksel birer tekniktir. Kontenjans Tablosunun (KT) analizinde ki-kareanalizi özellikle satır ve sütun değişkenlerine ait kategori sayısının çok olması durumunda kullanılamaz halegelebilmektedir, etkileşimler ve birlikte değişimler analiz edilememektedir. Bu nedenle değişkenler arasındakietkileşimi ortaya koymak için UA ve LDM gibi tekniklere ihtiyaç vardır. UA’da anlamlılık testi desteğiolmadığından, LDM gibi bir analiz ile kontrol edilmelidir. Bu çalışmada amaç, çok değişkenli KT ile özetlenensigara içme alışkanlığına sahip 662 lise öğrencisinin cinsiyet, yaş, anne-baba eğitim durumu, okul türü, günlükiçilen sigara miktarı, okuldaki başarı durumu gibi kategorik değişkenlerine, geriye doğru aşamalı LDMuygulamak, anlamlı bulunan etkileşimleri belirlemek, ilgili değişkenlerin alt kategorileri arasındaki ilişkinin netbir şekilde görülebilmesi için en uygun modelin bileşenlerine UA uygulamak ve bileşenlerin alt kategorilerininbirbirleri ile olan etkileşimlerini grafiksel olarak yorumlamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu kapsamda, 2010yılında Eskişehir’de il merkezindeki liselerde okuyan 662 öğrenciye ait, sigara içme alışkanlıklarına ilişkin veriderlenmiştir. Değişkenlere önce geriye doğru aşamalı LDM, elde edilen modelin bileşenlerine de UAuygulamıştır. Bulgular: Geriye doğru aşamalı LDM sonucunda en fazla üçlü etkileşimler istatistiksel olarakanlamlı bulunmuştur. Geriye doğru aşamalı LDA sonucunda Gelecek 5 yıl içinde sigara içme durumu*okuldakibaşarı durumu*sigaranın sağlığa zararlı olduğu düşüncesi ve günlük içilen sigara miktarı*sigara içildiğindenailenin haberdar olup olmaması*Okul türü üçlü etkileşimleri anlamlı bulunmuştur. Sonuç: LDM ile UA’nınbirbirlerini bütünleyen analiz yöntemleri olduğu sergilenmiştir.