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  • Öğe
    First record of Aphelenchoides stammeri ( Nematoda: Aphelenchoid dae) from Turkey
    (Soc Nematologists, 2019) Dayı, Mehmet; Uludamar, Ece B. Kasapoğlu; Akbulut, Süleyman; Elekcioğlu, İbrahim Halil
    In previous surveys for the investigation of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Turkey, several Bursaphelenchus species, except B. xylophilus, were detected. To determine the insect vectors of these previously reported Bursaphelenchus species, trap trees of each pine species (Pinus brutia and P. nigra) were cut and kept in the field from April to September in 2011. Aphelenchoides stammeri was isolated from wood chip samples of P. nigra from Isparta (Sutguler). A. stammeri was first identified by using morphological features and allometric criteria of females and males. In addition, molecular analysis using sequences of 18S and 28S ribosomal (rRNA) genes of A. stammeri was performed. This is the first report of A. stammeri from Turkey.
  • Öğe
    Stage-specific transcriptome of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus reveals temporal regulation of effector genes and roles of the dauer-like stages in the lifecycle
    (Nature Publishing Group, 2019) Tanaka, Suguru E.; Dayı, Mehmet; Maeda, Yasunobu; Tsai, Isheng J.; Tanaka, Ryusei; Bligh, Mark; Kikuchi, Taisei
    The pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is the causal agent of pine wilt disease, one of the most devastating forest diseases in East Asian and West European countries. The lifecycle of B. xylophilus includes four propagative larval stages and gonochoristic adults which are involved in the pathogenicity, and two stages of dispersal larvae involved in the spread of the disease. To elucidate the ecological roles of each developmental stage in the pathogenic life cycle, we performed a comprehensive transcriptome analysis using RNA-seq generated from all developmental stages of B. xylophilus and compared transcriptomes between stages. We found more than 9000 genes are differentially expressed in at least one stage of the life cycle including genes involved in general nematode biology such as reproduction and moulting but also effector genes likely to be involved in parasitism. The dispersal-stage transcriptome revealed its analogy to C. elegans dauer and the distinct roles of the two larval stages from each other regarding survival and transmission. This study provides important insights and resources to understand B. xylophilus parasitic biology.
  • Öğe
    Relationships between seedling height growth and some soil properties in douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. viridis) plantations
    (2009) Yılmaz, Murat; Çiçek, Emrah; Tonguç, Fatih; Yılmaz, Selvinaz
    In this study, four different Douglas fir stands established in the years of 1990-1991 in different planning units of Cide-Kastamonu Forest region were studied and relationships between seedling growth and some soil characteristics of these areas were investigated. A total 21 sample plots was taken to represent the study areas. Soil samples were taken regarding to the depth levels in soil profile excavated at sample plots, and seedling height (SH) and its growth in latest years were measured. Physical and chemical soil analyses were performed at laboratory. Regression and correlation analysis were performed to reveal the relationship between seedling heights and soil attributes. In the study area, significant correlations between seedling height (SH) and soil pH, available P, available water capacity, soil, sand and clay content, and slope level at p<0.05 level were determined.