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  • Öğe
    The international competitiveness analysis of the Islamic financial services sector
    (Springer International Publishing, 2014) Eraslan, İsmail Hakkı; Güngoren, Muaz
    Significantly developing in recent years, the Islamic Financial Services industry has been constantly increasing its importance in the national economy. It is predicted that this progress in this industry will continue in the years ahead. Subjecting the industry to a global comparison is of great significance for the industry so that the level of this development, the basic variables and dynamics could be understood and contribution could be made to the sustainable competitive advantage of the industry and strategies could be developed. The present study analyses the international competitive level of the industry by employing Porter's diamond model. In line with the analysis, the present study identified the competitive level of the industry and explained the basic characteristics of the competitive structure, and revealed macro level strategies required for its development to position itself in the regional and global competition. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. All rights are reserved.