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  • Öğe
    Patricia Benner: Hemşirelik Uygulamalarında Klinik Bilgelik ve Beceri Edinimi
    (2018) Koç, Zeliha; Çınarlı, Tuğba; Şener, Asuman; Kızıltepe, Selin Keskin
    Benner'ın düşünceleri Virginia Henderson'dan, çalışmaları da California Üniversitesi'nde profesör olan Hubert Dreyfus'un çalışmalarından önemli derecede etkilenmiştir. Benner, aynı zamanda, stres ve başa çıkma alanında bir mentor olan Richard Lazarus ile birlikte, yıllarca bakım uygulamaları alanında işbirliği yapmış olduğu Jane Wrubel ve Jane Rubins gibi birçok felsefecinin de etkisi altında kalmıştır. Hubert Dreyfus, Dreyfus beceri edinimi modelini geliştirmiştir. Benner, daha sonra bu modeli klinik hemşirelik uygulamalarına adapte etmiştir. Benner'ın hemşirelik uzmanlığı ile ilgili teorisi, Dreyfus ve Dreyfus tarafından geliştirilen beceri edinimi teorisi ile yakından ilgilidir. Benner acemilikten uzmanlığa giden yolun; acemilik, ileri düzeyde yeni başlayanlar, yetkili, yetkin ve uzmanlık olmak üzere beş aşamadan oluştuğunu ileri sürmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Determination of anxiety, depression, and life satisfaction in lung cancer patients
    (Mattioli 1885, 2017) Koç, Zeliha; Kızıltepe, Selin Keskin
    Background and aim of the work: This study aimed to determine the life satisfaction of patients with lung cancer by examining their levels of anxiety and depression. Methods: The study group consisted of 108 patients with lung cancer who were inpatients in a university hospital located in the Middle Black Sea region of Northern Turkey. The study was conducted between 28 March and 30 September 2013. Data were obtained using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and Satisfaction with Life scale. Results: In this study, 3.7% of the patients were females, 96.3% were males, 96.3% were married, and 62.0% were primary school graduates. With regard to the disease stage, 40.7% were Stage 3. Among the group, 56.5% of the patients were receiving chemotherapy. In the patients, the treatment-related side effects were tiredness (78.7%), taste changes (68.5%), anorexia (65.7%), nausea (62.0%) vomiting (64.8%), and dyspnea (52.8%). According to the HADS scale, 97.2% of the patients had a risk of anxiety, and 100% had a risk of depression. The total score average of the patients on the Satisfaction with Life scale was 24.4±7.3. Conclusions: Almost all the patients had a risk of anxiety and depression. They were partially satisfied with their lives. They obtained relief from complementary and alternative treatments, such as biologically based therapies (herbs and dietary supplements) and mind-body control (prayer). The use of complementary and alternative treatments by lung cancer patients should be considered, as these may interfere with their prescribed treatment protocols. © Mattioli 1885.