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Öğe Assessment of Malignant Melanoma Risk Factors and Their Attitudes Towards Protection from the Sun in Patients Applying to Family Physician Polyclinics(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2017) Ağadayı, Ezgi; Demir Alsancak, Aybüke; Üstünol, Duygu; Şencan, İrfan; Küçükceran, Hatice; Kahveci, Rabia; Özkara, AdemObjective: Toevaluate the risk factors of malignant melanoma (MM) and to determine theirattitudes about sun protection in patients referred to family medicinepoliclinics. Methods: Our research is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Atotal of 241 voluntary patients aged 18 years and over referred to the AnkaraNumune TRH Family medicine Outpatient Clinic Polyclinic between 1 September and1 October 2016 were included in the study. In our survey, patients'sociodemographic characteristics, presence of malignant melanoma risk factors,attitudes towards sun protection were evaluated. Results: 58.9% of the patients were female, 41.1% were male andthe average age was 32.1 ± 0,7. Patients stated that they learned informationabout sun protection from the internet, TV programs, newspapers magazinesaccording to frequency. Participants' use of sunscreen in daily life was 54.4%,while regular users everyday were 16.2%. Sunscreen use was significantly higherin university graduated patients, women and participants informed by adermatologist (respectively p=0,043; p lt;0.001 and p lt;0,001). According topresence of malignant melanoma risk factors, 17,8% of participants had 0, of33,6% had 1; of 31,1% had 2; of 12,9% had 3; of 4,6% had 4. While nosignificant difference was found between the risk factors and its dailysunscreen use (p=0.339); a significant difference was found between the riskfactors and sunscreen use in holiday (p=0.025). Conclusion:Regular use ofsunscreen was found to be very low. Family physicians should be activelyinvolved in raising awareness of sun-protection in patients, which is the onlypreventable risk factor of MM.Öğe Birinci Basamak Hekimleri için Zor Bir Tanı: PFAPA Sendromu (Periyodik Ateş, Aftöz Stomatit, Farenjit ve Adenit birlikteliği)(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2012) G, Çelikcan; Kahveci, Rabia; Özkara, AdemPFAPA, periyodik yüksek ateş epizotları, aftöz stomatit, farenjit ve servikal adenit ile karakterize, kalıtsal olmayan bir sendromdur. Özellikle stomatit, ateş yüksekliği, farenjit ve adenitten oluşan klinik tabloların aile hekimliği pediatrik hasta popülasyonunda önemli bir yer tuttuğu bilinmektedir. Bu derleme ile amacımız birinci basamak hekimleri tarafından çok iyi bilinmeyen PFAPA sendromu hakkında bilgi vermektir. PFAPA Sendromu çok sık görülmemekle birlikte periyodik ateş yüksekliği, farenjit ve adenit tablosuyla aile hekimine başvuran çocukların ayırıcı tanısında düşünülmelidirÖğe Iron Deficiency Anemia Prevalence and the Factors Which Cause the Iron Deficiency during Pregnancy Term in Ankara Akyurt Region(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2018) Küçükceran, Hatice; Ayhan Başer, Duygu; Ağadayı, Ezgi; Demir Alsancak, Aybüke; Kahveci, RabiaObjective: Theaim of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia in Akyurt ofAnkara.MaterialandMethods: 200pregnant women who were accepted to participate in study were form our study.Pregnant women with multiple pregnancies, known hematologic or chronic disease wereexcluded from the study. The questionnaire was read during the telephone interviewand the answers of the geologists were noted. The values of hemoglobin and hematocritconsistent with pregnancy trimester were noted retrospectively from the AkyurtState Hospital system.Findings: Meanageof pregnants was 26.84 ± 5.64 (min: 16, max: 42). 41.5% (n = 83) of pregnants were detected as in 1. trimester(1-14 weeks), 46% (n = 92) of them werein 2. trimester (15-27 weeks), 12.5% (n = 25) of them were in 3. trimester(28-40 weeks). Anemia rates were 5.7%, 8.8% and 14.9%, respectively, according tothe 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. When all the gestations were examined,it was determined that 13.15% of the pregnants were anemic. There was astatistically significant difference between anemia status of pregnant women andconsumption of tea, red meat and offal and the case of being pregnant more frequently than2 years (p lt;0.05). Conclusion: Anemiain pregnancy is an important and frequent problem; most of the pregnants arenot well aware about this problem. Anemia can cause more problematic pregnancy period.If there is anemia before pregnancy, it can be suggested that this problem iscorrected in advance and close follow-up in pregnancy.Öğe Weight Loss Experiences of Obese Individuals; Qualitative Study(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2019) Döner Güner, Pınar; Kahveci, Rabia; Aksoy, Hilal; Özkara, AdemObjectives: Obesity is a leading preventable cause ofdeath worldwide. Being overweight or obese has a serious impact on health.Treatment of obesity needs a comprehensive approach. Biopsychosocial approachof family physicians is invaluable in obesity management. This study wasperformed in order to find answers to “why”, “how’’ and “when’’ our patientsbecame obese.Methods:Weconducted in-depth, semi-structured, face to face interviews with 30participants (BMI gt;30). Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed, andqualitatively analysed using a thematic framework method.Results:26women and 4 men accepted to join our study. Analysis of indepth interviewsemerged 5 major themes which were the different perception of obesity amongindividuals; awareness of obesity; loss of selfconfidence; belief in treatmentand effects on quality of life.Conclusion:Eachpatient has a different need and different expectation while controllingweight. As a part of biopsychosocial approach the family physician needs tounderstand the factors that bring the patient to current condition and seewhich approach would be the best for individual patient for weight management.