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Öğe Abirateron ve Docetaxel Tedavileri Metastatik Prostat Kanseri Hücrelerinde Phospho-PTEN Ekspresyonunu Arttırır(2023) Soylu, Hakan; Istıl, Kübra Aksu; Ustunel, Ismail; Karaçor, Kayıhan; Beyazçiçek, ÖzgeAmaç: Prostat kanseri erkeklerde kanser ile ilişkili ölümlerde ikinci sırada yer almaktadır. Kastrasyona dirençli metastatik prostat kanseri tedavilerinde dosetaksel ve abirateron asetat yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Phospho-PTEN, onkojenik Akt hiperaktivasyonuna sebep olarak hücrelerde proliferasyon, migrasyon, angiyogenez ve hayatta kalmayı tetikler. Bu çalışmada prostat kanseri tedavisinde yaygın olarak kullanılan dosetaksel ve abirateron asetat ajanlarının onkogenic yolağı uyaran phospho-PTEN ekspresyonu üzerine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmışır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: In vitro olarak antijen reseptör (+) ve androjen reseptör (-) metastatik prostat kanseri hücre hatlarında dosetaksel ve abirateron acetat’ın phospho-PTEN expresyonu üzerine etkisi immünofloresan yöntemi ile araştırılmıştır. Bulgular: Antijen reseptör (+) ve androjen reseptör (-) metastatik prostat kanseri hücre hatlarının her ikisinde de bulgular birbiriyle uyumluydu. Kontrol ve abirateron asetat grupları arasında phospho-PTEN ekspresyonununda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark gözlenmedi. Dosetaksel ve abirateron asetat+dosetaksel gruplarında phospho-PTEN ekspresyonu kontrole göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde arttı. Bu artış iki ajanın birlikte verildiği kombine grupta dosetaksel grubuna kıyasla istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde daha fazlaydı. Sonuç: Dosetaksel ve kombine tedavi gruplarında belirgin şekilde phospho-PTEN artışı gözlendi. Phospho-PTEN’in artışı onkojenik Akt hiperaktivasyonuna neden olmaktadır. Bu bilgilere göre, dosetaksel ve kombine ilaç tedavileri hastalarda phospho-PTEN artışına sebep olarak hücrelerde onkojenik yolağı destekliyor olabilir. Hastalarda bu etkilerinin bertaraf edilebilmesi için PTEN’i defosforile edici ajanlar ya da defosforilasyonu sağlayan yolakların uyarılmasını sağlayacak ajanların verilmesi hastaların toplam hayatta kalma sürelerini artırabilir.Öğe Agonist and Antagonist Effects of ATP-Dependent Potassium Channel on Penicillin Induced Epilepsy in Rats(2016) Acar, Yıldız; Özmerdivenli, Recep; Demir, Şerif; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Ankaralı, Seyit; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Ankaralı, HandanAMAÇ: Epileptik nöbetler, beyindeki uyarıcı ve duraklatıcı sistemler arasındaki dengenin, uyarıcı sistemlerin aktivitelerinin artışı yönünde bozulması sonucunda meydana gelir. İn vitro ve in vivo çalışmalarında, birçok K kanal açıcılarının antiepileptik etkisi gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, çeşitli deneysel epilepsi modellerinde etkisi araştırılan KATP kanal agonist (pinacidil) ve antogonistlerinin (glibenclamide) penisilinle oluşturulan deneysel epilepsi modeli üzerindeki akut etkisi araştırıldı.YÖNTEM: Çalışmada 200-250 gr ağırlığında 32 adet erkek WistarAlbino sıçan kullanıldı. Deney 10 hayvanları, kontrol, DMSO (dimetilsülfosit), pinasidil ve glibenklamid olarak dört gruba ayrıldı. Sıçanlar 1,25 gr/kg üretan dozunun intraperitoneal olarak uygulanmasıyla anestezi altına alındı. Sıçanlar anestezi altına alındıktan sonra sol korteks açıldı ve somatomotor alana elektrotlar yerleştirildi. Epileptiform aktivite intrakortikal (i.c.) penisilin (500 IU, 2,5 ?l) uygulanmasıyla oluşturuldu. Penisilin uygulamasının 30. dakikasında tüm maddeler (salin, DMSO, pinasidil ve glibenklamid) intraperitoneal 15 (i.p.) olarak uygulandı. Kayıtlardan elde edilen elektrokortikografik (ECoG) veriler yazılım programı ile analiz edildi. Epileptiform aktivitenin diken dalga sıklığı ve diken dalga genliği istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi.BULGULAR: Penisilin ile oluşturulan deneysel epilepsi modelinde pinasidilin diken dalga sıklığını azalttığı (p0,05), fakat diken dalga genliği üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı görüldü (p0,05). Benzer şekilde KATP kanal kapatıcısı olan glibenclamidenin ise hem diken dalga sıklığı hem diken dalga genliği üzerine anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığını bulundu (p0,05).SONUÇ: Yapılan çalışmada pinasidil uygulamasının sıçanlarda penisilinle oluşturulmuş deneysel epilepsi modeli üzerinde antiepileptik etkiye sahip olduğu gösterildi. Pinasidil gelecekte potansiyel bir antiepileptik ilaç olabilir.Öğe Agonist and Antagonist Effects of ATP-dependent Potassium Channel on Penicillin-induced Epilepsy in Rats(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Acar, Yıldız; Özmerdivenli, Recep; Demir, Şerif; Ankaralı, Seyit; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Ankaralı, Handan…Öğe Are Blood Groups Protective Against COVID-19?(2021) Beyazçiçek, Özge; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Demır, SerifThe SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 disease, which has spread rapidly since its first appearance and caused pandemic, has become more dangerous day by day, and by infecting large masses caused the death of many people. The numbers of cases and deaths reaching dangerous levels globally have pushed scientists to get to know this infection more closely and to investigate preventive and therapeutic methods. At this point, scientists have discovered, based on past infectious disease researches, that some individuals are more susceptible to certain infections. Importantly, in the light of this information, it has been determined that there is a relationship between infectious diseases and blood groups, and individuals with certain blood groups are more susceptible to these infectious diseases. The obtained data suggested that there may be a relationship between blood groups and SARS-CoV-2, and research has been shifted in this direction in order to quickly determine susceptibility to the disease. Indeed, relationships between SARS-CoV-2 patients' blood groups, from hospitals in China, US, Italy, Spain and Turkey, and caught this infectious were investigated. It has been demonstrated that blood groups have an effect on getting this disease. With the discovery of this relationship, it has been revealed in studies that A, B, AB and O blood groups can be a potential biomarker in determining the sensitivity to COVID-19 infection. Studies have determined that individuals with blood type A have an increased sensitivity to COVID-19, and individuals with blood type O have a decreased sensitivity to it. It is thought that the reason for the decreased sensitivity to COVID-19 in individuals with that blood group, and the increased sensitivity seen in individuals with blood group A is due to the antibody A in the blood. This antibody can inhibit virus-cell adhesion in individuals with antibody A. Therefore, it is very important for individuals with blood group A, who do not carry this antibody in their blood, to use personal protective equipment to protect themselves from COVID-19. The purpose of this review is to bring together studies that reveal the relationship between COVID-19 and blood types.Öğe Characterization of Apelin/APJ Axis Expression in Normal Testicular Tissue, Germ Cell Neoplasia in Situ, and Testicular Seminoma(2023) Soylu, Hakan; Ünal, Betül; Aksu, Kubra; Karacor, Kayihan; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Üstünel, İsmailAim: A testicular germ cell tumour is not observed widely, but its incidence and mortality rates have increased in recent years. One of the most common forms of this tumour is seminoma. Germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS) is the precursor of seminoma. The apelin/APJ axis is increased in many cancers and is a pathway that plays an active role in angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, tumour growth, and migration. This study investigated the cellular distributions of apelin and APJ protein expressions in normal testicular tissue (TT), GCNIS, and seminoma.Material and Methods: Tissues from 18 patients who had undergone orchiectomy were used in this study. These tissues include areas of normal TT, GCNIS, and seminoma. Immunolocalisation of apelin and APJ were identified through the immunohistochemical method.Results: Apelin expression was significantly increased in seminoma and GCNIS compared to normal. Apelin expression were the same in GCNIS and seminoma. APJ expression was significantly increased in seminoma compared to normal and GCNIS. Normal and GCNIS APJ expressions were similar.Conclusion: Expressions of apelin and APJ proteins were significantly increased in seminoma in our study. Our findings were consistent with the results of relevant studies as increased expression of apelin/APJ has been observed in many different cancers. It can be predicted that the increase of this pathway in seminoma may support angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, migration, and metastasis. Therefore, the increase in mortality rates in seminoma patients may be related to apelin/APJ axis. Ultimately, the use of inhibitors of this pathway in these patients may reduce their mortality rate. New studies are needed before these inhibitors can be used clinically.Öğe The Determination of Opinions of Triathlon Athletes on Doping and Anti-Doping Matters(Duzce Univ, 2017) Gündoğdu, Cemal; Evrim, Çelebi; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Tüfekçi, Şakir; Özmerdivenli, RecepObjectives: This study aims to determine the knowledge of triathlon athletes on the types of doping used in sports as well as their opinions on the anti-doping matters. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with 92 individuals participated in Tasucu Triathlon and Istanbul Salcano Triathlon Series, which was organized in 2015 by the Turkish Triathlon Federation. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Chi-square test was used in analysis of the data. Corticosteroids, masking agents, anti-estrogenic agents, beta blockers, and cannabinoids were among the types of doping which were least known by the triathlon athletes. These were followed by peptide hormones, narcotic analgesics, anabolic-androgenic steroids and stimulants. Results: Approximately two thirds of triathlon athletes consider that knowledge of athletes, coaches and administrators on doping is not sufficient. Conclusion: The majority of the athletes participated in the study stated that the relevant institutions and organizations are not fighting against doping adequately.Öğe Doping Types of Athletics Sportsmen and Determination of the Opinions About Anti-Doping(Duzce Univ, 2017) Çelebi, Evrim; Gündoğdu, Cemal; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Özmerdivenli, RecepObjective: This research was conducted to determine the level of knowledge of athletics national team athletes about doping types used in sport and their views on anti-doping. Methods: Seven descriptive type studies were conducted with 73 athletes who participating in the Super League Final Competitions and Junior European Champion Club Cup competitions in the Activity Program of the Turkish Athletics Federation and agreeing to participate in the research. Survey form prepared by researchers was used as data collection tool. The data are expressed in numbers and percentages, using the chi-square test in the analysis. Results: 79.5% of the athletes stated that the most stimulants were used in the sport. This was followed by anabolic androgenic steroids with 68.5%, and anti-estrogenic agents with 65.8%. Approximately two-thirds of the athletes said they were well informed about doping by athletes, coaches and administrators (64.4%), and also they had knowledge about it (% 64.4) and had read doping related publications (65.8%). In terms of anti-doping, athlethes find the activities satisfactory of the related institutions and organizations, in particular state (76.7%), federation (82.2%) and clubs (63.0%). Conclusion: As a result, it has been determined that among the participating athletes, the most common types of doping are in which stimulants and anabolicandrogenic steroids, and approximately two-thirds of the athletes said they were well informed about doping by athletes, coaches and administrators, and also think that they had knowledge about it, moreover more than half of the athletes find the activities of the related institutions and organizations satisfactory for the anti-doping.Öğe E-cigarettes: A Novel Phenomenon(2020) Beyazçiçek, Özge; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Ozmerdıvenlı, Recep; Demır, SerifElectronic cigarettes (e-cig), since it developed, have very big market all over the world, and which increases day byday. Nowadays e-cigarette represents a new “tobacco” industry that could reduce the incidence of tobacco smoking.Electronic cigarettes are electronic delivery system are devices designed to deliver aerosolized nicotine with at least onevehicle. The main purpose of electronic cigarettes is to give the user the feeling of smoking without using tobacco. Ecigarette suppliers are marketed e-cigs as a way to reduce or completely quit smoking, and many users, especiallyyoung, prefer e-cigarettes because they thought it was safer than tobacco cigarettes in general. Many e-cigarette brandsare currently sold in the markets and a new one is added every day. In addition to this there are various e-liquids withdistinctive aromas which contain many different types of sweetening agents for e-cigarettes. Main ingredients of thesee-liquids are nicotine, propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. Due to various e-liquid ingredients, e-cigarette's effecton human health after inhalation is still undetermined. In this review is focused on general information about the ecigarette history, its working mechanism, development and marketing, parts and feature of it, ingredients, nicotine andnicotine's pharmacokinetics, regulation of the countries.Öğe E-sigaralar: Yeni Bir Fenomen(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2020) Beyazçiçek, Özge; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Özmerdivenli, Recep; Demir, SerifElektronik sigaralar, geliştirildiğinden beri, tüm dünyada her geçen gün artan bir pazara sahiptir. Günümüzde e-sigara, tütün kullanımı insidansını azaltabilecek yeni bir “tütün” endüstrisini temsil etmektedir. Elektronik nikotin verme sistemi olarak da bilinen elektronik sigaralar minimal bir araçla aerosol haline getirilmiş nikotini vermek üzere tasarlanan cihazlardır. Elektronik sigaraların asıl amacı kullanıcıya sigara içiyor hissini tütün kullanmadan vermektir. E-sigara üreticileri elektronik sigaraları, sigarayı azaltmanın ya da tamamıyla bırakmanın bir yolu olarak pazarlamakla birlikte pek çok kullanıcı, özellikle gençler, e-sigarayı tütün sigarasından daha güvenli olduklarını düşündükleri için tercih etmektedirler. Birçok e-sigara markası marketlerde satılmakta ve bunlara her gün yeni bir tanesi eklenmektedir. Ek olarak, e-sigaralar için birçok farklı tatlandırıcı madde içeren ve birbirinden farklı aromalara sahip çeşitli e-likitler vardır. Bu e-likitlerin ana içerikleri; nikotin, propilen glikol ve bitkisel gliserindir. Çeşitli e-likit içerikleri nedeniyle, e-sigaranın inhalasyondan sonra insan sağlığı üzerindeki etkisi hala belirsizdir. Bu derlemede, e-sigaranın tarihi, çalışma mekanizması, gelişimi ve pazarlaması, bölümleri ve özellikleri, içerdiği maddeler, nikotin ve nikotinin farmakokinetiği, ülkelerin getirdiği düzenlemeler hakkında genel bilgiler ele alınmıştır.Öğe Effect of (R)-(-) and (S)-(+) Carvone on the Penicillin-induced Epileptiform Activity in Rats(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Beyazçiçek, Özge; Taka, Sümeyye; Demir, Şerif; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Taşcı, Şeymanur Yılmaz; Bahadır, Anzel; Ankaralı, Handan…Öğe Effect of Acute and Chronic Ellagic Acid Administration on Penicillin-induced Epileptiform Activity in Rats(Wiley, 2017) Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Ankaralı, Seyit; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Ankaralı, Handan; Çetinkaya, Ayhan…Öğe The Effect of Galanin and Exercise on Depression in Rats(Wiley, 2017) Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Mermerci, Asuman; Özmerdivenli, Recep; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Orallar, Hayriye; Sungur, Mehmet Ali…Öğe Effect of irisin on the epilepsy induced by penicillin G: An electrophysiological study(Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, 2022) Şahin Yıldız, Yasemin; Demir, Şerif; Beyazçiçek, E.; Gök, A.; Beyazçiçek, ÖzgeEpilepsy is a neurological disease characterized by sudden and synchronized seizures caused by abnormal and excessive electrical discharges in brain neurons. The purpose of this study was to electrophysiologically examine the effects of acute administration of irisin, which is thought to be neuroprotective and increase cell proliferation, at different doses (10 and 100 nM) on the penicillin-induced experimental epilepsy in rats. Forty-nine adult male Wistar rats were used in the study. The rats were divided into 7 groups: sham, control group (penicillin), irisin group, the pre- and during-seizure groups of 10 nM and 100 nM irisin. All the substances except penicillin were administered intraperitoneally. The rats were anesthetized using urethane. The bone tissue on the left cerebral cortex was removed and the electrodes were placed in the somatomotor cortex. Thirty minutes before penicillin administration, irisin was administered to the pre-seizure penicillin group at doses of 10 nM and 100 nM. Then, penicillin (500 IU/2 µl) was injected intracortically, and ECoG recording was continued for 120 minutes. On the other hand, 10 nM and 100 nM of irisin were administered to the during-seizure penicillin group after penicillin was injected intracortically and the seizure occurred, and ECoG recording was continued for 120 minutes. The ECoG recordings were analyzed using the PowerLab Chart v.8 software. In conclusion, it was found that irisin prolonged the latency of initial epileptic activity and decreased the number and amplitude of spike-waves in the penicillin-induced experimental epilepsy model. These results suggest that irisin might have an antiepileptic potential. © 2022 Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi. All rights reserved.Öğe Effect of Rapamycin on Maternal Aggression in Rats(Kafkas Univ, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2016) Beyazçiçek, Özge; Ankaralı, Seyit; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Ankaralı, Handan; Demir, ŞerifRapamycin which is an inhibitor of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), has effects as antineoplastic, retarding aging, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Aim of this study is to investigate the effects of rapamycin on maternal aggression in rats. In this study 63 Wistar female rats were used. The animals were divided into 3 groups: the solvent (DMSO) group, the 5 mg/kg rapamycin group, and the 10 mg/ kg rapamycin group. For behavioral testing the resident-intruder paradigm was used. The groups were compared in terms of the latency to the first aggressive behavior, the number of attacks, the total duration of aggressive behaviors and the intensity of attacks. When the groups were compared in terms of the latency to the first aggressive behavior, it was found that 5 and 10 mg/kg rapamycin groups were significantly prolonged latencies compared to the control group. When were evaluated the number of aggressive behaviors, total duration of aggressive behaviors and average severity of attacks it was found that 5 mg/kg rapamycin group's values were significantly lower than the control groups. These results show that acute administration of rapamycin, especially in 5 mg/kg dose of rapamycin prolongs the latency of maternal aggression, and decreased the number of attacks, the intensity of attacks and the total duration of aggressive behaviors in rats. Therefore rapamycin may have potential for use as a sedative drug, however it is necessary to conduct further studies.Öğe Effect of Rapamycin on Maternal Aggression in Rats [1] [2](2016) Beyazçiçek, Özge; Ankaralı, Seyit; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Ankaralı, Handan; Demir, ŞerifMemelideki rapamisin hedefinin (mTOR) bir inhibitörü olan rapamisin antineoplastik, yaşlanmayı geciktirici, anti-inflammatuar ve nöroprotektif etkilere sahiptir. Bu çalışmadaki amacımız sıçanlarda rapamisinin maternal agresyon üzerine etkisini araştırmaktır. Çalışmada 63 adet dişi Wistar sıçan kullanıldı. Hayvanlar çözücü (DMSO) grubu, 5 mg/kg rapamisin grubu ve 10 mg/kg rapamisin grubuna ayrıldı. Davranış testi için ev sahibi-yabancı paradigması kullanıldı. Gruplar; ilk agresif davranışın başlama zamanı, toplam atak sayısı, agresif davranışın toplam süresi ve atak şiddeti açısından karşılaştırıldı. Gruplar ilk agresif davranış başlama zamanı bakımından karşılaştırıldığında 5 ve 10 mg/kg rapamisin gruplarının kontrol grubuna göre başlama zamanını anlamlı düzeyde uzattığı bulundu. Toplam agresif davranış sayısı, agresif davranışın toplam süresi ve ortalama atak şiddeti değerlendirildiğinde 5 mg/kg rapamisin grubunun değerleri kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı düzeyde düşük bulundu. Bu sonuçlar akut rapamisin uygulamasının, özellikle 5 mg/kg dozda, sıçanlarda maternal agresyonun başlama zamanını uzattığını, toplam atak sayısı, atak şiddeti ve agresyonda geçen toplam süreyi kısalttığını göstermektedir. Fakat rapamisinin sedatif bir ilaç olarak kullanılabilme potansiyeline sahip olabilmesi için daha ileri çalışmalar gerekmektedir.Öğe The Effect of Rose Oil on Penicillin-Induced Epileptiform Activity in Rats: An Electrophysiological Study(Duzce Univ, 2018) Ankaralı, Seyit; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Kılınç, Erkan; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Özkan, Kayhan; Çetinkaya, Ayhan; Ankaralı, HandanObjective: Rose oil (from Rosa damascene) has several effects which are analgesic, antispasmodic, antioxidant and neuroprotective role. Its antiepileptic effect has not been yet studied enough. In the present study, it was aimed to investigate acute effects of rose oil on the epileptiform activity in penicillin-induced epilepsy model in rats. Methods: Forty-two male Wistar rats weighing 230 to 260 g were divided into six groups with seven rats in each group. Control (+Penicillin), RO alone, Diazepam, and different doses of Rose oil including 100, 500 and 1000 mg/kg. Rats were pretreated with different doses of RO 30 min prior to penicillin treatment. Electrocorticogram recordings were taken from each animal for 2 hours after penicillin treatment. Results: Only the dose of 100 mg/kg of rose oil reduced significantly epileptic spike-wave frequency of epileptiform activity. However, comparing in terms of latency and spike-wave amplitude of epileptiform activity, there were no significant difference between the groups. Conclusions: In conclusion, acute administration of rose oil reduces spike-wave frequency of penicillin-induced epileptiform activity in rats. Therefore, these findings indicate that rose oil has antiepileptic effects.Öğe THE EFFECT OF THYMOQUINONE ON PENICILLIN-INDUCED EPILEPTIFORM ACTIVITY IN RATS(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014) Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Ankaralı, Seyit; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Ankaralı, Handan; Demir, Şerif; Özmerdivenli, Recep…Öğe The Effects of Acute and Chronic Metformin Treatment on Penicillin Induced Epileptiform Activity in Rats(2022) Kılıç, Ümit; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Orallar, Hayriye; Demir, Şerif; Beyazçiçek, ÖzgeObjective: The aim of this study is to investigate acute and chronic administered metformin on epileptiform activity induced by penicillin and antioxidant activity in rats. Methods: Eighty-four adult male Wistar albino rats were used in this study. The rats were divided into two large groups as acute and chronic groups, and later on each group was divided into different subgroups as control, sham, penicillin, metformin 100 mg/kg (Met_100), 200 mg/kg (Met_200) and only metformin 200 mg/kg (OMet_200) intraperitoneally. The substances were applied to the chronic groups for 21 days, while acute groups received them just before the initiation of epileptiform activity. In the present study, onset of first epileptiform activity, spike wave frequency and amplitude, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) parameters were evaluated. Results: No epileptiform activity was observed in the control, sham, and OMet_200 groups. When metformin doses of 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg were compared with the penicillin group in both acute and chronic groups, the onset of first epileptiform activity was prolonged, spike wave frequency and spike wave amplitude decreased significantly. SOD, CAT and GPx levels were found to be significantly different in the acute and chronic metformin groups compared to the penicillin group. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study shows that metformin can decrease epileptic seizures and increase the level of antioxidant enzymes and it can be used in the treatment of epilepsy in the future.Öğe Effects of thymoquinone, the major constituent of Nigella sativa seeds, on penicillin-induced epileptiform activity in rats(Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital, 2016) Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Ankaralı, Seyit; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Ankaralı, Handan; Demir, Şerif; Özmerdivenli, RecepObjective: To investigate the effects of thymoquinone (TQ) in a penicillin-induced epilepsy model in rats. Methods: This experimental study included 56 adult male Wistar rats. Experiments were performed in the Research Laboratory of the Department of Physiology, Medical School, Duzce University, Duzce, Turkey, between October 2013 and December 2014. Animals were divided into the following 7 groups: sham, control, only thymoquinone, vehicle (Dimethylsulfoxide), and doses of 10, 50, and 100 mg/kg of TQ. After rats were anesthetized, the left part of the skull was removed. A pair of silver/silver chloride electrodes was placed on the somatomotor area, and electrocorticographic recording was started. After 5 minutes basal activity was recorded, and TQ was applied intraperitoneally. At the thirtieth minute after TQ, epileptiform activity was induced by intracortical penicillin. The first spike latency, spike frequency, and the amplitude of epileptiform activity were analyzed statistically. Results: The different doses of TQ significantly increased the latency time to onset of first spike wave, and decreased the frequency, and amplitude of epileptiform activity in the first 20 minutes compared with the control group. Conclusion: Thymoquinone shows potential as an antiepileptic drug resulting from its effects of prolonged latency time, and reduced spike wave frequency and amplitude of epileptiform activity.Öğe The effects of usnic acid on the penicillin induced epileptiform activity on rats(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Taşçı, Şeymanur Yılmaz; Demir, Şerif; Beyazçiçek, Özge; Beyazçiçek, Ersin; Cangür, Şengül…