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Öğe Comparison of Postoperative Complications in Total Thyroidectomy Patients according to Age Groups(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2013) Cinel, Akif; Türkyılmaz, Serdar; Alhan, Etem; Çan, Gamze; Akçay, Mürüvvet; Özkul, FarukPurpose: The incidence of autoimmune hypothyroidism increases with age, and anaplasticthyroid cancers are seen more frequently. Surgical procedures may be risky due to potentialcomorbidities in advanced age. Our study was intended to evaluate the reliability of totalthyroidectomy due to benign thyroid diseases in patients aged 50 and over.Material and method: Following approval from the Karadeniz Technical University Facultyof Medicine Ethical Committee, 150 patients aged between 20 and 80 on whom totalthyroidectomy was performed due to benign thyroid diseases between August 2008 and August2009 were prospectively enrolled. Patients were divided in two groups; age under 50 (Group 1)and age 50 and above (Group 2). The reliability of total thyroidectomy surgery in patients agedover 50 was investigated by analyzing the difference between the two groups in terms ofcomplications arising.Results: Seventy-six of the patients included in the study were aged under 50 (Group 1), and74 were aged over 50 (Group 2). Patients’ demographic characteristics are given in Table 1. Interms of complications, wound site infection was determined in 1 of the 76 patients in Group1, permanent hypocalcemia in 3, unilateral permanent RLN injury in Group 1. Wound siteinfection was determined in 1 of the 74 patients in Group 2, permanent hypocalcemia in 5 andunilateral permanent RLN injury in 1. V.A.S. (Visual Analog Scale) scoring was made inevaluation of the operation scar of the patients and the mean V.A.S. score was 10.11. In Group1 the mean value was 9,36 and in Group 2 the score was 10.88.Conclusion: Thyroid cancer being endemic in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey andhyperthyroid-associated clinical findings being manageable has led to surgeons performing totalthyroidectomy more frequently. Our study revealed that with the exception of wound healing,total thyroidectomy was similar in young and older patients in terms of morbidity and length ofhospitalization. We consider that total thyroidectomy can also be performed safely in the elderlywhen indicatedÖğe The effects of gallic acid on the acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Kural, Birgül; Altay, Diler Us; Kahraman, C.; Alhan, Etem; Şen, T. Mazlum; Ercin, C.; Örem, Asım…Öğe Kalın bağırsakta Mantle Hücreli Lenfoma(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2014) Akçay Çelik, Mürüvvet; Yıldız, Kadriye; Çobanoğlu, Ümit; Alhan, EtemGastrointestinal sistem, ekstranodal non-Hodgkin lenfomanın (NHL) en önemli tutulum alanlarından biridir. Mantle hücreli lenfomalar (MHL) tüm non-Hodgkin lenfoma'ların %3-10'unu oluşturur. Burada, olgu sunumu, özellikle klinik ve patolojik özelliklerin ışığında immünohistokimyanın değerlendirilmesi ve onun ayırıcı tanısı tartışılmıştır.Öğe Safra Kesesi Duplikasyonu(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2015) Akçay Çelik, Mürüvvet; Yıldız, Kadriye; Alhan, EtemGallbladder duplication is a rare congenital condition that may lead to symptoms consistent with biliary colic. Gallbladderduplication can be detected by preoperative imaging study