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Öğe Gebelikte Belirlenen Risk Faktörlerinin Anne ve Bebek Sağlığı Açısından Ortaya Çıkardığı Sorunlar(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2014) Akdolun Balkaya, Nevin; Vural, Gülşen; Eroğlu, KafiyeThe study has been carried out prospectively to determine risk factors in pregnancy and their impacts on both mother’sand newborn’s health in central health-care centers in Bolu. A total of 184 pregnant women who had visited health-carecenters within 6 months, had completed first trimester and accepted to attend at research were included. As a result offollow-up, it was observed that attendants had multiple risk factors and risks increased with gestational age. Of women66.8% experienced problems in delivery, only one mother had no problem postpartum. Various individual and familyrisk factors were present during pregnancy. Particularly obstetrics, medical history and a variety of present pregnancyrelated risk factors increased risks of miscarriage, risks of preterm labor, preterm labor, preeclampsia, fear of childbirth,cesarean birth, infant mortality, births of babies with congenital anomalies, neonatal infections and postpartumpsychological distress. Factors risking pregnancy influence mother’s and newborn’s health in peripartum periodadversely. Therefore it is important that nurses determine risk factors early during pregnancy, follow up especially thepregnant women at risk regularly and frequently and give effective preventive care, education and counselling relatedto the risks and their possible consequences.Öğe Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence and Coping Attitudes in Women With and Without Incontinence in Turkey(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2024) Dönmez, Sevgül; Tümer, Adile; Akdolun Balkaya, NevinAim: Coping strategies are thought to be important in dealing with a problem that affects women's well-being and quality of life, such as incontinence (UI). This study was done to investigate the incidence of UI and coping attitudes in women without and with UI in Turkey. Material and Methods: The descriptive study was carried out with 417 women who were applied in a Healthy Life Center located in Turkey. The study data were obtained using the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (Short Form) (ICIQ-SF) and Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced (COPE). Results: It was found that 34.8% of women had UI. It was determined that women used more common problem and emotion-focused coping attitudes” which are functional coping attitudes. It was found that women with UI used "withdrawal" which are problem-functional coping attitude "acceptance" which are emotion-functional coping attitude and "denial" and "behavioral disengagement" which are dysfunctional coping attitudes more than women without UI. Conclusion: It was determined that one third of the women had UI and they used more common problem-and emotion-focused coping attitudes. Although urinary incontinence has a chance of being treated, it is a condition that has major physical, psychosocial and economic effects on society, and is often reported to the health institution by women, and treatment is delayed.Öğe Why Nursing and Midwifery Students Do Research and Participate in Scientific Activities?(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2014) Akdolun Balkaya, Nevin; Demirtaş Çevik, Naciye; Atik Nalbant, Meral; Murat Öztürk, Duygu; Ağartan, Emel; Önder, AyşeThis study aimed to investigate reasons of undergraduate nursing/midwifery students’ engagements in scientific activities.This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted during V. National Nursing Students Congress in Urfa. The sampleincluded 133 of 550 registered students who were available and accepted to participate. Data were collected by meansof a questionnaire including 36 questions about demographics, scientific activities and reasons of students during sessionsby self-report. The average age of students was 22 and 95% of them were female. 72.9% of the students were attendedat a congress the first-time and 86.5% were attendent at least one study. They said that they carried out research becausethey want to improve themselves (73.7%), learn how to do a research (57.9%) and contribute to improvements of theirprofessions (44.4%). 79.7% of participants have decided to do the research and 43.6% have determined the study issuesthemselves. They were supported by their advisors (98.4%) and friends (53.5%) for their scientific activities, and 91.3%of participants found their advisors’ supports sufficient. 67.7% of attendants have also got economical supports and70% of them were supported by their families. Students said that their problem solving skills are improved by doingresearch (66.9%), they learned teamwork (66.2%), writing and communication (57.9%), but lack of sufficient time wastheir major problem (84.2%). A significant number of students wanted to maintain their scientific activities to makeacademic career (92.5%) and practice their profession (89.5%) in the future. Findings suggest that almost all of theparticipants desired to do the research to resume their scientific activities and to have an academic career. Further, it isclear that academic activities let the students gain some skills like problem solving and team-work. Therefore, it wassuggested that nursing and midwifery students should be allowed time for and supported in their academic activities.