Karakuş, AliKandiş, HayatiGüngör, AhmetŞahan, MustafaSönmez, Ertan2020-04-302020-04-3020101304-7361https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TVRFeU1UTTBOQT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12684/1106Spontan hemopnömotoraks, spontan pnömotorakslı hastalarda plevral boşluğa kanama sonucu oluşan hayatı tehdit edici nadir bir durumdur. Literatürde spontan pnömotorakslı vakalara sık karşılaşılmasına rağmen spontan hemopnömotoraks vakalarının sayısı azdır. Bu yazıda, şok tablosu ile acil servise getirilen ve spontan hemopnömotoraks tanısı alan bir olguyu paylaşmak istedik.Spontaneous hemopneumothorax is a rare medical entity in which bleeding into the pleural space causes life-threatening condition in patients. Even though spontaneous pneumothorax cases are more commonly referenced in the literature, spontaneous hemopneumothorax is rarely encountered in clinical practice. We aimed to report a patient who presented to the emergency department in the state of shock and was diagnosed as a spontaneous hemopneumothorax.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCerrahiŞok tablosuyla Acil Servise getirilen spontan hemopnömotoraks olgusuSpontaneous hemopneumothorax case that presented to the Emergency Department in shock stateOther104194197