Gümüş, RojanŞahin, Arif2024-12-282024-12-2820162146-443Xhttps://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/224964https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/duzcesbed/issue/24384/258497https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12684/17817As the population of elderly people increases gradually, enhancing their physical and mental health has become one of the most crucial goals today. Enhancing health of elderly comes from adequate utilization of health services and elders’ satisfaction from them. This study is aimed to determine utilization of health services by the elderly and their satisfaction about it in Turkey between 2010-2012. Data was obtained from TurkStat (Turkish Statistical Institute) by formal permission. It included results of two health research surveys in Turkey biennially performed and published as reports at the end of 2010 and 2012. In this study, results of two periods were compared. Sample included 1798 participants for year 2010, and 3396 for 2012. All participants were 65+ age. There were very important indicators such as measurement of blood pressure, cholesterol test, blood sugar test, gaita tests and other medical laboratory tests (bilirubin, allergy, albumin, urine, hormone, vitamin, etc.). Also mammography and prostate controls were included. Conducting these tests in the last 12 months and visiting private and public institutions, family doctors, specialists, emergency services and delivering home care were taken into account in order to find utilization of health services by the elderly. There was a meaningful increase in visiting family doctors in the two periods (Chi-square=1152.591, p lt;0.001). Also, there was a significant difference in home care services rendered by nurses and other health workers in the two review years (Chi-square=12.476, p lt;0.01). Although increasing ratios were seen with regards to all kinds of healthcare services, statistical significance has been found in delivering some tests like blood pressure (Chi-square=5.576, p lt;0.05), cholesterol (Chi-square=13.133, p lt;0.001), sugar (Chi-square= 21.724, p lt;0.001) and other laboratory tests (Chi-square=20.081, p lt;0.001). Additionally increase in delivering radiology tests (Chi-square= 12.288, p lt;0.001) was significant. Any significance were found according to utilization of other health services during two periods. When results of two periods were compared, a meaningful increase was seen in satisfaction of elderly by health services on behalf of family doctors, private health institutes and home care services. As it has been seen from our finding right policies executed by governments lead to improvements in patient’s attitude to access healthcare.Dünyada yaşlanan nüfus her yıl artmakta olduğundan yaşlıların fiziksel ve zihinsel sağlığını en yüksek düzeyde tutmakson yılların en önemli hedefleri arasındadır. Yaşlıların sağlık düzeyini yükseltebilmek doğru sağlık hizmetini yeterli birşekilde ulaştırmaktan geçer. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’de yaşlıların sağlık hizmetlerinden yararlanma düzeylerinive bu hizmetlerden memnuniyetlerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu’nun2010 ve 2012 yılları sonunda rapor edilen sağlık araştırmasından alınmıştır. Bu veriler 2010-2012 yılları arasındaki hanehalkı sonuçlarını kapsamaktadır. Söz konusu iki dönem verileri karşılaştırılmış, 65 yaş üzeri 2010 yılından 1798, 2012yılından 3396 kişi çalışmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Yaşlıların en çok başvurduğu tansiyon, kolesterol, şeker, gaita ve diğerönemli laboratuvar testleri ile prostat, mamografi kontrolleri değerlendirmeye alınmış, bu sağlık hizmetlerinin son 12ayda kullanılma sıklığı esas alınmıştır. Bunun yanında yine son 12 ayda devlet hastaneleri, özel hastaneler, aile hekimleri,uzman hekimler tarafından muayene olma ve acil servislere başvurma sayıları değerlendirilmiştir. Tüm bunlara ek olarak,evde bakım hizmetlerinden faydalanma araştırma kapsamına alınmıştır. İstatistik karşılaştırmalar sonucu, aile hekimleriniziyaretlerde (X2=1152.591, peninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessElderlyhealth care utilizationsatisfactionTurkeyYaşlısağlık hizmetlerindenfaydalanmamemnuniyetTürkiyeUtilization of Health Services by the Elderly in Turkey between 2008 and 2012: Analysis of Turkstat Health SurveysArticle627478DergiPark: 258497