Okan, Emre2020-04-302020-04-3020131301-7667https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12684/5210WOS: 000319698900005A churn-amphora in the Cesme Museum is significant for being the single example found in Anatolia so far. The geography of Euro-Asia including Central Asia, Near East and Anatolia is considered as the land where the dairy products first occured. Therefore the churns may be claimed to have been used in that area as it is used in the present day. The earliest examples of churns were first made of goat skin and then this form was adopted by pottery producers. The earliest example was found at the calcolithic settlement of Beershba in Palestine, and the form of the churn is still used with minor modifications.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessKaraburunCesmeChurnCalcolithicMilkButterThoughts on the Churn Amphora Held in Cesme MuseumArticle21101108N/A