Erbaş, MesutKarapolat, SamiGezer, SuatErdem, HavvaDumlu, TalhaAteş, Hakan2020-04-302020-04-3020111305-5550 Bronchogenic cysts are lesions that occur as a result of abnormal development of the tracheobronchial system during embryological life, and they are usually localized on lung parenchyma or mediastinum. Case reports: Three male and two female cases radiologically diagnosed as bronchogenic cysts were followed-up in our clinic. Bronchogenic cysts were localized in the mediastinum (n=3), within parenchyma (n=1), and subcutaneous layers at jugulum (n=1). Cystic structures were totally resected together with their walls and epithelia through standard posterolateral thoracotomy incision under single lung ventilation in four cases and a horizontal jugular incision was used under local anesthesia in one case. An efficient patient- controlled analgesia was provided for thoracotomy patients during the postoperative period. All patients histopathologically diagnosed as bronchogenic cyst were discharged without any problem. The cases were followed-up for 6 month and 2 years, and any long-term complication and recurrence did not observed. Conclusion: Complete surgical resection of bronchogenic cysts allows for the establishment of definitive pathological diagnosis and absolute cure in cases with bronchogenic cysts. Efficient anesthetic management and postoperative patient- controlled analgesia improve patient comfort and shorten recovery period.tr10.5222/GKDAD.2011.015info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAnesthesia; Bronchogenic cyst; Mediastinum; Thoracotomy; TomographySurgical treatment and management of anaesthesia in bronchogenic cysts [Bronkojenik kistlerde cerrahi tedavi ve anestezi yönetimi]Article1711520N/A