Eken, Neticeyi TayyibeArı, Gökhan2020-04-302020-04-3020171308-21401308-2140https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TWpZNU1qWXhNUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12684/939Masallar, hayal ürünü olayların anlatıldığı, yer ve zaman kavramının belirsiz bir şekilde aktarıldığı, halk dilinde anlatılarak oluşan ve gelişen sözlü edebiyat ürünleridir. Evrensel ve eğitsel temaların yer aldığı masallar; halk bilimi, eğitim, ahlak, dil ve edebiyat çalışmalarının konusunu teşkil etmektedir. Sözlü edebiyat ürünleri bireyden bireye, toplumdan topluma aktarılırken bazı değişikliklere uğradığı gibi sözlü dilden yazılı dile aktarılırken de birtakım değişim ve dönüşümler geçirmektedirler. Kimi eklemeleri, eksiltmeleri ve değiştirmeleri içeren bu dönüşümler temelde dil göstergesinin canlı ve gelişen özelliğinin bir ürünü olarak açıklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, farklı anlatıcılar ve derleyiciler tarafından yazıya aktarılan masallardaki değişim ve dönüşümler konu edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda aynı masalın farklı eş metinlerdeki (varyantlardaki) dönüşümleri biçim, kurgu ve üslup açısından karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Masallar, yüz temel eser seçkisindeki masal kitaplarıyla sınırlı tutulmuştur. Beş masal içinden yayımlanma tarihi en eski masal ana metin olarak belirlenmiştir. Diğer dört metin eş metin olarak varsayılmıştır. Çalışmada, masallar, Vladimir Propp'un belirlediği ve alan yazınında sıklıkla temel alınan biçimsel işlevlere göre ayrılmış, metinlerarasılık ilkelerine dayanarak dönüşüm türlerine göre ele alınmıştır. Kesitlere ayrılan metinler, olay örgüsüne ve kişilerin işlevlerine göre tematik açıdan incelenmiştir. Anlatıcıların, masalı yazıya aktarırken metinlerde gerçekleştirdikleri dönüşümler üslup açısından karşılaştırılarak örneklerle sunulmuştur. Metinler cümle ve sözcük sayılarına göre biçimsel olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak beş masal, başlangıç durumundan sonuç durumuna kadar farklı kelimelerle anlatılsa bile olayın ve ana kalıbın aynı anlam çerçevesinde olduğu belirlenmiştirTales are oral literature products in which fictitious events are told, transmitted in a way with ambiguous place and time concept, they are formed and development by storytelling in folk speech. Tales are important in folklore and education for they handle universal and educational subjects; in this aspect it constitutes the subject of folklore, education, ethics, language and literature works. Oral literature works undergo some changes while being transferred from person to person, community to community; some changes also occur while they are being transferred from oral language to written language. These changes involve some additions, deductions, and alterations; they are basically explained as a result of the characteristic of linguistic sign, it is alive and developing. In this study, the subject is changes and alterations in tales transferred to writing by different narrators and compilers. In this context, alterations of the tale in different variants are examined comparatively in style, construction, and style. Tales are limited to tale books in one hundred fundamental works selections. The one with the oldest publication date was determined as the base text between five tales. Other four tales are assumed as co-text. In the study tales were distinguished according to the stylistic functions determined by Vladimir Propp and generally used in the body of literature, they were handled according to their alteration types based on intertextuality principles. The texts were cross-sectioned, they were examined thematically according to storyline and function of persons. Alterations made by tellers while transferring the tale into writing were compared stylistically and submitted with examples. Texts were compared stylistically according to their sentence and word number. As a result, it was determined that even though five tales were told with different words from start to finish, the main pattern stayed in the same meaning framework Tales are oral literature products formed by telling in folk language and carried over from generation to generation by telling. As they handle universal and educational subjects; tales are the subject of folklore, education, ethics, language and literature works. Though they are seen as adult language literature works, tales are one of the first texts children come across in pre-school age. One of the most known heroes of Turkish folk tales is Keloğlan. Turkish children generally come across Keloğlan tales by listening to tales in the pre-school age and reading and listening texts in school age. Keloğlan is a national motif in Turkish world, tales with the same type continue to exist in other types and genres as well as tales. Tales are oral folk narratives that continue to exist by being transferred from language to language, generation to generation, and community to community; they suffer some alterations related to narrator and text type in these transfers. Changes and alterations may be seen according to the content of the text and style of the teller. Tales can be retold with different words and sentences that reflect the style of the compiler without changing the characteristics of the type. Storyline usually stays the same; it may undergo small changes. According to Derive (1982: 20-21), changes and alterations in a text; can be in words, syntax, content, style that form the syntax or they can be some added information to the text, removing some information or changing them. However, these changes and alterations do not disrupt the integrity of the text. The subject of this study is to examine how a tale is told in similar tale texts in intertextual relationship context. Five different tales that have the same content/storyline were compared according to their structural and semantic characteristics and evaluated. The purpose of the study is to compare five tale texts that tell the story of Keloğlan's struggle against a giant in content and style (word, sentence). So that the stylistic and semantic alterations can be examined, one base text and its variants (texts similar to it) were chosen. It was assumed that Keloğlan tales with different names in 5 different tale books in primary education 100 fundamental works list could be variants -when factors that form intertextual relations are considered-. The first tale Keloğlan (Gökalp, Altın Işık: 1922) that is known to have the earliest publication date was accepted as the base text. Variants and versions are Keloğlanla Devanası (Ran, Sevdalı Bulutt: 1967), Erler Karısına Koca Olmaya Giden Keloğlan (Boratav, Az Gittik Uz Gittik: 1969) and Devanası ile Keloğlan (Alangu, Keloğlan Masalları: 1967), Üç Kardeşler (Tansel, Allı ile Fırfırı: 1976). Tales accepted as variants were coded respectively as EM1, EM2, EM3, EM4. Methodology Document research, content analysis, section analysis, category and frequency analysis methods which are qualitative research methods; were used in the study. Cross-sectioned texts were categorized according to tale functions determined by Propp (2008) and symbolized. Changes and alterations in content are detected according to the morphological function classification of the tale determined by Propp. Stylistic alterations in sections include lexical changes and alterations related to word count in texts, person, gender, place, means, functions, events, etc. According to Propp (2011), alterations as changes in basic style are examined in six types; reduction, expansion, distortion, reversal/inversion, extension and alleviation. In order to determine lexical alteration, texts were transferred to electronic environment, and word lists were created. Common and different areas were determined by frequency analysis. Findings and Conclusion Tale texts in the study were evaluated according to their changes and alterations in content, word, sentence level. When intertextual relations in text context were considered, these results came up: Changes such as reduction, alteration, inversion, alleviation, addition, extension, and distortion were detected related to persons and their functions of Propp (2011). In all texts the hero is Keloğlan, the main attacker is the giant. However, "inversion" was detected as the gender of the giant was altered. Dialogues between Keloğlan and the giant can be characterized as hypograms. In styles named hypogram, writers made allusions by showing their styles. In these parts the events are told by using similar words. However, there are some distortions in syntax. Related to the actions of the giant in the base text, there are some alterations related to distortion in variants. Different from base text some deductions were made containing reduction, alleviations as well as additions containing expansion and intensifying. Alleviation, addition, intensifying, distortion, reduction and expansion are present in base text and variants. In EM1, EM2, and EM3 reduction and alteration are present, in EM4 intensifying is present. In the first section, the family structure and reasons for leaving home differ from the base text in the variants. Intertextual transformations were identified in the sections of the tales. Reduction, alleviation and alteration in EM1, EM2 and EM3, and expansion and extension in EM4. In the second section, encounter with the giant shows differences in variants. The scenes about sucking the giant’s breast in the base text, EM1 and EM2 are parallel. In EM4, not only the scene about encounter with the giant but also giant’s gender is different from main text and other texts. There is a giantee in EM4. There is distortion and inversion. In the first scene of the second section, the event about Keloğlan to understand giant’s arriere-pensee, differ from the main text in the same texts. Unlike the main text in EM1 and EM2, Keloğlan's transformated into a broom. Unlike the main text, there are reductions and alleviations in EM3, expansions and extensions in EM1, EM2 and EM4. In the main text and variants Keloğlan tried to be awaken unlike the giant wanted to make him sleep and they spoke with each other (questions and requests). Even though the questions are partly the same, the requests are different. There are also differences in terms of escape and hiding scenes of Keloğlan. In the third section of the main text and in variants, the scenes Keloğlan hid and escaped from the giant are different from each other. There are reductions, expansions, extensions and alterations in EM1 and EM2, expansions and extensions in EM3, distortions, expansions and extensions in EM4. The escape-hiding scenes on the outside differs from the main text in terms of presentation in variants. While EM3 is closer to the main text, there are additions in EM1 and EM2 about actants. The number of repetitions is also different from the main text. In EM4, the complete alteration of the fiction brings along repeated expansions and extensions. In the last section variants differ from the main text. There are expansions and extensions in EM1 and EM2, reductions and alleviations in EM3, and expansions and extensions in EM4.According to the fairy tale analysis of Propp, the closest variant to the main text is EM3 in terms of event pattern and the functions of the actants. EM3 can be interpreted as abbreviation of the main text. EM1 and EM2 coincide with themselves. Because the writer of EM1 declared that he rewrote EM2. Actually the main text of EM1 is EM2 directly. In the context of intertextuality, EM1 is a rewriting / analogy tale obviously. With regards to vocabulary, base text consists of 551 types of words (lexemes) Longest text is EM4 (2158 words), shortest is EM3 (878 words). The closest text to the base text in common words is EM2 (47,89%), the farthest one is EM4 (31,64%). Lexem rate between base text and variants is below 50%. Main text consists of 277 sentences. Longest text in sentences is EM4 (434 sentences), shortest is EM3 (138 sentences). Association between 32% and 48% in lexem number was detected. It was detected that even though the difference in lexem is high, variant characteristics are preserved. Meaning, it was detected that while determining variantuality content/story line outweighs lexem number/rate. The longest text, EM4, differs from the main text and other variants. Even Keloğlan's name has been used only 3 times, the hero of this name is called the little boy. In this text, there are a wide range of additions to the elements in other texts. Most importantly, a sultan playing an active role in the tale was added to the section, so a second text was created within the text. Even though the main event is the same, EM4 shows the least similarity to other variants. Sometimes textual overlaps and sometimes transformations are seen in the texts. However, it seems that the general framework of the characters, types and texts that constitute the main line of the fairy tale is the same and coincide with each other according to the main event pattern. There are various formal, stylistic and fictional changes between the main text and the variants. Reduction and expansion were determined in terms of word count and verbal variety. Conversions in the texts differ in terms of the fuctions of the actants and the event pattern either extensions or alleviations. The intertextual differences are seen obviously in terms of the number of actants and the functions of the actants. In terms of general framework, it was observed that the main characters (heroic keloğlan, attacker giant) did not differ, but the auxiliary characters and donors differed in text to text. The general framework in the fiction remains the same as outline, and Keloğlan gains the struggle against the giant in every case. However, there are differences in the form, duration, and presentation of this struggle. This finding can just be explained as taken into consider timing of transcription of the text, and wording of the compiler or narrator while it is transited from one text to another in the context of intertextuality, Although the tales are compiled most closely to their core by the compilers or narrators, style of compilers or narrators is reflected in their choice of words and sentences, thus intertextual diversity/variations is provided. These intertextual diversifications/variations are clearly visible at the tales in the whole of the fairytale books that are subject to our examination. So if children are supposed to read all the fairytale books the list of 100 fundamental works, they are supposed to face the same fairy tale variants in five different books. In this case, it can be assumed that lexical changes will contribute to the reader's vocabulary, the discursive changes will affect the imagination and develop language skills as a language user via intertextual approach. In terms of the transformation elements used in this study, the examples given by Propp seem either inadequate or problematic. Similar results (deficiencies or differences) have appeared in different researches on the basis of the functions of Propp on Turkish fairy tales. It is emphasized that different studies should be done in order to generalize in this subject. (see also Özçukçkan, 1996, Çıblak, 2005, Bars, 2014, Akarslan, 2015, Ölmez, 2015, Koçak Kurtlu, 2016). Therefore, it is important to note that more and more detailed key structures or theories are needed to determine transformations in fairy talestrinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBir Masal, Beş Metin: Bir Keloğlan Masalında İçerik Ve Biçim DönüşümleriOne Tale, Five Texts: Content And Style Transformations In A Keloğlan TaleArticle12344766