Çakıcıer, NevzatKorkut, SüleymanKorkut, Derya SevimKurtoğlu, AhmetErdinler, E. SedaUlay, Göksel2020-04-302020-04-3020111991-637Xhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12684/4982Erdinler, Emine Seda/0000-0002-7814-4333; Korkut, Suleyman/0000-0002-4871-354X; Sevim Korkut, Derya/0000-0002-0963-016X; Sevim Korkut, Derya/0000-0001-7903-1843; ULAY, Goksel/0000-0003-4080-8816WOS: 000292269500024This study is carried out for determining the changes occurring on the amount of the material used on the protective layer when polyurethane and acrylic (lacquered) dye is applied on the test samples prepared from sandwich type composite (blockboard) boards with their surface coated or uncoated with paper, which are used for the yacht furniture and interior decoration. After applying polyurethane and acrylic dye on the 30 test samples prepared as coated or uncoated with paper with 10 x 10 x 1.6 cm sizes from blockboard, the surface hardness values of the protective layer as applied in ASTM D 436695 (1984) were determined, the scratch resistance were determined according to the essentials specified in TS 4757 (1986), and the glossiness were also determined according to the essentials specified in TS 4318 EN ISO 2813 (2002). According to the result of the study, concealing dyeing is obtained with much surface hardness, scratch resistance and glossiness by using less lacquer dye on the boards coated with paper. With this study, it is possible to suggest that coating with paper before lacquer dyeing can be a preferable application in terms of cost and time saving.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessBlockboardpolyurethane dyeacrylic dyehardnessscratch resistanceglossinessThe effects of protective dye layer applied on varnish layer hardness, scratch resistance and glossiness of various blockboard typesArticle61023032308N/AN/A