Karapolat, BanuKarapolat, SamiGürleyik, EminYaşar, Mehmet2020-05-012020-05-0120171022-386X1681-7168https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12684/5819WOS: 000416737000004PubMed: 29056120Objective: To create acute pancreatitis condition experimentally in rats using cerulein, and to reveal histopathological effects in pancreatic tissue with erdosteine. Study Design: An experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of General Surgery, Duzce University, Turkey, from June to October 2014. Methodology: Thirty male Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups. No procedures were applied to Group 1. The rats in Group 2 and Group 3 were injected cerulein, to establish an experimental pancreatitis model and the blood amylase and lipase values were examined. The rats in Group 3 were given 10 mg/kg erdosteine. This treatment was continued for another 2 days and the rats were sacrificed. The pancreatic tissues were examined histopathologically for edema, inflammation, acinar necrosis, fat necrosis, and vacuolization. Results: The lipase and amylase values and the histopathological examination of pancreatic tissues evidenced that the experimental acute pancreatitis model was established and edema, inflammation, acinar necrosis, fat necrosis, and vacuolization were observed in the pancreatic tissues. The statistical results suggest that erdosteine can decrease the edema, inflammation, acinar necrosis, fat necrosis and vacuolization scores in the tissues. Conclusion: The severity of acute pancreatitis, induced by cerulein in rats, is reduced with the use of erdosteine.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessCeruleinInflammationAcute pancreatitisErdosteineTreatmentEffects of Erdosteine on Experimental Acute Pancreatitis ModelArticle2710606610WOS:000416737000004Q3Q4