Başbuğ, AlperBaşbuğ, DeryaÇağlar, MeteYavuzcan, AliBaştan, MerveÖzdemir, İsmailBaşar, Feyza2020-04-302020-04-3020161301-8841 epithelioid cell tumors (PEComa) are a rare type of mesenchymal tumor arising from perivascular epithelial cells. The prognostic classification of PEComas, the nature of their biological behaviour and the criteria determining their malignancy potential remain uncertain. PEComas usually show immunoreactivity for melanocytic (HMB-45 and/or melan-A) and smooth muscle (actin and/or desmin) markers. Surgery is the most recommended primary treatment. We reported an uterin PEComa with atypical immunohistochemical features. © 2016, Gunes Kitap Kirtasiye. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessImmunohistochemistry; Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumors; UterusPerivascular epithelioid cell tumor of uterus with atypical immunohistochemical featuresUterusun atipik immunuhistokimyasal özellikleri olan perivasküler epiteloid hücreli tümörüArticle1924952N/A