Yaşar, MehmetAslaner, ArifBat, Orhan2020-04-302020-04-3020121300199Xhttps://dx.doi.org/10.5152/etd.2012.08https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12684/94Appendico-ileal fistula is a rare condition with acute ileus. We report a case of appendico-ileal fistule in a 46-year-old man patient who has undergone laparatomy for intestinal mechanical obstruction. Intraoperatively, an appendix with a lumen was found with a fistula to the terminal ileum. It has been observed that proximal ileal and jejunal intestinal anses were distended. Appendectomy, segmental ileum resection and end-to-end anastomoses were performed as a surgical procedure. This case describes an elderly man with acute ileus presenting with small bowel obstruction. We conclude that, appendico-ileal fistula should be kept in mind in cases with acute ileus presenting with small bowel obstruction.en10.5152/etd.2012.08info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAppendix; Fistula; Ileum; IleusAppendico-ileal fistula in an acute ileus patient [Bİr Akut İleus Olgusunda Apendİko-İleal Fİstül]Article3413233N/A