Karagün, EbruEşbah, Onur2021-12-012021-12-0120202602-31642602-3164https://doi.org/10.14744/ejmi.2020.44067https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TXpZME16YzVPUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12684/9493Objectives: Numerous dermatological side-effects are reported with the use of targeted therapies. These adverseevents derive from common signaling pathways implicated in malignant behavior and normal homeostatic activity ofboth the epidermis and dermis.Methods: Patients under follow-up at the Oncology Clinic 12 using bevacizumab, five cetuximab, four sunitinib, foursorafenib, three panitumumab, one pazopanib, one trastuzumab, and one using vemurafenib, were included in thestudy. Patients’ cutaneous drug side-effects were assessed at dermatological examinations before starting treatmentand at months 1, 3, and 6 during treatment.Results: The most common finding was xerosis, seen in 54% (17/31) of our patients receiving targeted treatment.Papulopustular eruption was observed in 63% (12/19) of patients using epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors.The most common finding in the nails was brittleness-tenderness. Dry mouth was prominent among the mucositisfindings. The four patients with nosebleeds were using antiangiogenesis agents. Papulopustular eruptions emergedin the first month, xerosis in the second and third, dry mouth in the third, and pyogenic granuloma, nail findings, andnosebleeds in the fourth to sixth months.Conclusion: Dermatological side-effects can impact on the patient’s quality of life and cause significant morbidity.Dermatologists and oncologists should therefore collaborate closely to manage these side-effects.en10.14744/ejmi.2020.44067info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess[No Keywords]Dermatological Side-Effects Developing in Patients Using Targeted Chemotherapy Drugs: A Review of the LiteratureArticle42173180